Would $100 Change Your Life?One Giant Step
Seriously, we spent that on dinner and drinks last night.
And yet it is what will propel me through the next Giant Step.
It’s not the sum, but the investment. The investment in me; that I can be more, do more, reach more.
Not the amount, but the responsibility. My responsibility to live up to the expectation of what is possible.
Not the number, but the trust. Trust that I will use it wisely, thoughtfully, and respectfully.
Not the dollars and cents, but the example. Of being remarkable. Kind. Generous. Trusting. Reaching. Successful.
I may have left for the weekend filled with angst, self pity and doubt; worrying we aren’t getting anywhere quickly and that opportunities existed outside of my reach.
But I return realizing that I’m just not reaching far enough. That I need to make an investment in myself, take hold of the responsibility, trust that I have what it takes, and be an example to myself of what I am capable of.
Hold on people, we’re on the runway…
How do you live a remarkable life in a conventional world?
It’s time to share the wealth!! I have TWO copies of Chris Guillebeau’s new book The $100 Startup to give away. I have already read it (and loved it!) and will be reading it again and taking notes as I determine how best to put my $100 investment to great use.
Just leave a comment below letting me know you’re interested – I’ll draw TWO names on July 25th and announce the winners the following day.