What To Do If You Have Been Injured On Holiday
Being injured on holiday can be a seriously daunting prospect. As well as the discomfort of the injuries you’ve occurred, you also have to potentially find treatment and deal with the recriminations that may arise after returning home in terms of making a legal case against the negligent party – fortunately the internet can be of great service here with companies like Express Solicitors specialising in such claims or simplified law database which can help you get advice.
Anyone who plans to go abroad should have made the right preparations beforehand. You need to get a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which has replaced the now outdated E111. This entitles you to statutory health care free of charge within the EEC. Use your EHIC to obtain state treatment and keep records of all the treatment you receive. If you receive private provision you may end up with a large bill, so where possible, you need to stipulate that it’s state care you require.
You need a good health insurance policy and need to take a record of any phone numbers and policy documents with you on your trip. If you plan to receive treatment you may be allowed certain private provisions, transportation and all sorts of other benefits that can be derived from a good policy. In 2009 travel insurance companies paid out over £400 million in costs. If repatriation fees and air ambulances are needed, costs can easily exceed £10,000 for European destinations.
You may benefit from contacting the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as they can send delegates from their respective embassies to assist in your struggles.
Fortunately most injuries are minor and if you can, after your injury you need to decide if negligence has been present and make a record of any details you can build a case with. Witness statements and photographic accounts can be vital in assisting firms like Express Solicitors build a case for you.